CONCORDE BARBERRY Berberis thunbergii 'Concord'

Hardiness / Exposure: Zone 3 / Full sun
Height: 2 ft
Spread: 3 ft
Foliage Colour: Deep purple
Fall Foliage: Scarlet
Growth Habit: Rounded
Flower Colour: Yellow
Bloom Time: Spring
Key Features: A small shrub with rich, deep purple foliage. It has small thorns that protect it from deer.
Uses: Ground Cover, mass planting, borders, foundation plantings
Planting Instructions:
-Dig a hole 2-3 times the root ball width and same depth as root ball.
-Carefully remove plastic pot and cut through any circling roots.
-Position the root ball in the center of the hole and ensure the tree is standing straight. If necessary, tip the root ball to adjust the tree.
-Partially backfill the hole with loamy soil, tamp the soil with your heel to remove air pockets, water to settle the soil and finish backfilling around the root ball with good soil. Avoid using heavy clay-based soil.
-Remove tags and labels.
-Water soil well at planting and continue to water throughout the summer. Do not not let the tree go dry.
-Applying mulch will help help retain moisture and reduce weeds.